THOSE PESKY MONKEYS {insert fist shake}

by Ila

Hey everyone,

As the title implies, this post is about monkeys. Pesky Monkeys. Pesky monkeys that break clotheslines. We see monkeys every day here at the Living Vikasa Vidya Vanam school. Of course, we have only been here for a few days, but it’s still exciting. And one of them broke a clothesline. But before I tell you about that, I will tell you about the rest of our trip so far.

There was one 17.5 hour flight and one 4 hour flight. It was kind of boring, but we took some cool pictures out of the airplane window, so I’ll post a few. img_6808


For the first few days, we stayed at a development right outside Hyderabad. It was fun and there were peacocks. I didn’t get a super close up new if any peacocks, but we collected some beautiful feathers. img_4532img_6944Here are some pictures.

After that, we took an overnight train  trip to Vijayawada, then drove to Vikasa Vidya Vanam.  Which brings us to…

THOSE PESKY MONKEYS {insert fist shake}

We were watching some monkeys climbing on the side of a building. Then one started walking along a clothesline. It gracefully leapt onto a lower clothesline, which promptly broke. The monkey fell to the ground and scurried away.

About to jump!
Version 2

Well, thats my trip up until around now. I already miss home, but this is very fun and exciting.

– Ila

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